So this week was a little different
than usual. We only had about 4 and a half proselyting days in our area.
We went down to Yerevan for the weekend for a mission conference and
stake conference. Elders Bennett and Hallstrom came and spoke to us with
their wives. It was a really good meeting that we had and we talked a lot
about how everything is happening on the Lord's time. I felt the spirit a
lot during that meeting, confirming a lot of what these amazing people were
saying. We have been focusing a lot on the Atonement and faith
lately. I feel that as a child of God we have to understand and recognize
that the Atonement is the way by which all things are made possible, and faith
is directly connected to that. We haven’t been doing super well in our
area, we get nice numbers but we haven’t been having the baptisms that we
thought we would have had. So, we have been using the atonement a lot to
change our missionary work and to change our attitudes to help grow our faith,
and it is paying off. We should be having a couple baptisms in the next
few weeks and it's been an amazing journey with these people we are teaching!
There is a scripture that I feel very strongly about 2 Nephi 25:23 23 For we labor diligently to write, to
persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be
reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.
After all we can do, it is not
enough, but it's by the grace of God that we are saved. We have been
relating that to missionary work that after all we can do it's not enough and
through the Lord the miracles are made possible, but first we have to exercise
our faith. I know I might be a little confusing but I have tried my best
in my sick state to make sense. Remember that God is great and merciful
and he is always waiting to bless us!