This week has been a pretty rough week in terms of pretty much everything in missionary work. We have a couple of investigators that can get baptized at any given time, they just need to come to church and they make up the excuse of I need to work! It's frustrating because they are putting off their salvation. I have gotten insulted more than I ever have been on mission in the last week alone, all on my language ability. It's annoying because I have people tell me that I'm amazing at the language and then people that say I cannot understand you because you are American and some that say speak English because I can't understand a thing that you just said. But, you know, everything is a test, it's all for a reason, I haven't quite figured out the reason yet so that's going to be an interesting journey. This week has just been really dull; I didn't have a lot of spiritual experiences or uplifting experiences, probably because I wasn't looking for a lot of them. Never do that! It is a bad idea ha ha, you will regret it. I think it all comes down to patience and finding Christ in your life. If you are ever going through a rough time, just remember the Savior has been there. No matter how bad you feel or how long it takes or how immovable that mountain of a trial is, he's always going to be there. You might ask hundreds of times before you receive your answer or your peacefulness, but there's a reason and a blessing. 3 Nephi 14:7-8 has been on my mind constantly the past couple of days. I feel like it has a lot of meaning towards the atonement as well. It just takes time. I need to learn that lesson. But one thing I do know that is true, with all of my heart and mind, is that he will answer your call. I know it's hard, believe me, but just show forth your faith by taking action, with the intent to act upon the answer you receive or change the behavior you had before to become more like Christ. It works.

We moved into the sisters apartment! ha ha

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