Everything at the start of the week just wasn’t going very well. But, at our district meeting President came and I and my companion had interviews. After those interviews he came out with us to our appointments for the day and then that night me and my companion talked a lot. We have completely changed our missions. We were both companions with the most successful missionaries in the mission and we got to talking about everything because we were doing below-par work. I can tell you now that my mission has completely changed because of one scripture, Matthew 10:39, is my new favorite scripture. It has had the most impact on me so far in my life. And I applied it. The past two weeks we had found a total of 0 new investigators and this week in 4 days we found 11. All because I changed my attitude about everything. We are working harder than I have ever worked in my life and it brings so much happiness.
I told president about what happened
the week before and I he told me to try and look at it differently and see what
God is trying to tell me. It made me feel weird because the people were
being really rude, but, he has a point. I've studied a lot about finding
faith in Christ, and it is still a work in progress, but I have experienced the
rewards of at least putting forth my effort.
Also, one of my favorite things to hear
and read about is people giving thanks to God! It says in DC 46:32 and DC 59:7 that we need to always give thanks to God for
our blessings. And I always think of Captain Moroni when I think about
people giving thanks in Alma 48:11-13
it talks about the reason why he was such a great man of God and it's because
he gave thanks continually for all the blessings that he had! We need to
acknowledge that all good things come from God and when we don’t give thanks to
Him for them, he might take them away because WE take them for granted.
Everything is looking up, I received an
answer to my prayers last week, I saw I miracle happen and I feel happy.
I love you guys and hope that everything is going okay, and mom don’t worry about
my plaque, it's okay.
Love you all!

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