I can honestly say I’ve felt the Spirit more strongly because of learning and studying about those. Sometimes we ask for answers that we aren’t ready to receive or counsel we are not ready to hear. The Lord knows best and one of my favorite quotes is from Elder Holland, “Faith in the Lord is also having faith in His timing."
It’s fun to actually study scripture and gospel topics. We become closer to the Savior through them and it’s made a big impact on my life. So, "feast upon the words of Christ!"
Just a couple fun things we are doing. We are building a pig house for a member which is super fun and I’m getting really good chopping wood! Ha-ha. Missions are amazing and I’m grateful for it! I also know that we are here to find true happiness! I hope you are all grateful for many things in your life that you can let other people know and the Lord. The more we are grateful for the things we have, the more blessings we will have and notice! Be happy and smile!
The new group comes in 16 days. They will be here for Christmas, they get here Dec 11. It will be fun.
I also have an idea that I really don’t know if I told you last week. But, instead of coming and picking me up or coming the next summer, I want to wait until I’m married and come back with you guys and her. I think that would be really fun and interesting. Just a suggestion.
We had a lot of conferences this week, too many. I’ve never gone to Yerevan so much on my mission in a week. Elder Jowers came down and did a split with me and we talked for a little bit. He answered a lot of my prayers. I’ve learned a lot about being prepared for answers. A lot of the times we aren’t ready for certain things that we want and have to wait and humble ourselves to be receptive. We’ve been doing a lot of good stuff the past couple of days and the Spirit has actually been in our lessons. I’ve learned a lot this week that’s been great! Thanks for the package. Love you lots!
Elder Porcelli
found this picture on Facebook! I love it when that happens... Elder Porcelli doesn't send many pictures my way, so thank you to the members in Armenia!

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