This week was a pretty good week.
There was a lot of moving around and a lot of driving to other places.
We had a zone training meeting this week and for this month we are
emphasizing teaching, and that is good, because my teaching has just gone
well. Want to know why? I think that the
past 50 meetings I have taught 49.5 how to begin teachings and firsts. So
I’ve been getting a lot better at that! Which is fun, because we get to
emphasize that Heavenly Father gave us a way to return to His presence and it's
called the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I definitely think that this last week
has helped me a lot with becoming more humble. I am a pretty prideful guy
and don’t give into a lot of things, but lately I have been doing my absolute
best, well I guess I’ve tried, to become more humble. It is still a work
in progress, but it is an amazing Christ-like attribute. Mosiah 3:19 if you
want more. This week we got to meet with one of the families that are
preparing for baptism and hopefully they will be baptized this Wednesday! They
have been preparing for about 2 and a half months and it’s amazing to finally
see them be prepared to make this step toward Celestial Glory! We had a lot of
investigators at church yesterday so that made our week really good. I
also got to see my MTC teacher and he came to a couple meetings with us.
This week is just a week of endurance, when I mean endurance I mean the
endurance of a normal week. We have up and down weeks for a reason and
the weeks in the middle for a reason too. The Lord is shaping us and I
have seen Him shaping me into the person I can become. The Lord knows
exactly what we need! Remember that. Love you all, have a good week!
Elder Porcelli
Andrew with Elder Wahl, his MTC Teacher that is visiting Vanadzor this week!!!

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