Well, this week was a week of lots of
confusion, blankness and relief. We had a very interesting start of the
week. We had a jump start to the week, thanks to two past missionaries
from America who came for a couple days and helped out. We had a baptism
on Wednesday without my companion, because we had to do splits and our
investigator said he was going to Russia so he needed to get baptized as soon
as possible. (We made sure he was ready of course)
So, after the very early morning
baptisms, three, we had a nice long ride up to Gyumri. Low and behold our
taxi driver tells us he has been smoking since he was 10. And then we
tried to teach him, but he said that he couldn’t... so we said that he can...
and then he said he can’t and then I said do you believe in Christ? And he
said, how can I not? So I said, if you believe in Christ, all things are
possible. And he said that's right, and so I said you can quit smoking,
so he said again, I cant. Very interesting how people don’t understand at
all the Atonement or Christ's doctrine. People are too scared to take a
leap of faith into the darkness because they've never experienced the power of
the Atonement. When we take that leap of faith saying, "I trust you
and know you will help me" there is always a hand there to guide you.
I definitely know that. I don’t think I really understood the
importance of the Atonement until my mission.
Lets just say first, that I have
learned 90 percent of my knowledge that I have about anything on my mission.
So go, if you are worthy to go, go. Anyway, the atonement is
involved with everything in our process of perfection. We cannot become
perfect in this life, but the power of the atonement is what makes it possible
to receive the gift of eternal life, in which we will become perfected. I
am still learning a ton about the atonement and I am definitely by no means or
even close to perfect.
Just because I am a missionary doesn’t
mean I magically get a free pass from sin for two years, I would say it is even
harder on a mission! Satan has worked a lot harder on missionaries and me that
I know than he ever has before, and do you want to know why? Because he knows
what we can become. Don’t ever destroy your potential or you hopes or
dreams or attitude or character as a servant of Christ because of Satan’s lies.
He wants us to feel like there is no point of return, but there is always
a point of safe return in this gospel. I would challenge you if you have
15 spare minutes in a day or night, to read or watch, President Uchtodrf's talk
"Point of Safe Return." I think I have listened to it 10 times this
week. There is always something new that sticks out to me.
I do want some suggestions on what you
all want to hear about missionary work or what you want me to write about next
week, I feel like my letters start out short and then they always become
over-bearingly long. Anyway, it's awesome here in Armenia! The people are
pretty much the same. It sucks not to be able to swim, because it’s hot.
I will have some pictures next week. Love you all and I love my bros and
sisters who are serving out there in the world!

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