Well, this week was really fun. We had a baptism and i had the
opportunity to baptize her.
We had lots of experiences to help us out.
I'm doing pretty good right now. It's still been rough with
investigators not answering or meeting with us. but, we will overcome
the problems. lots of answers to prayers and its been
magical. we had a baptism this week and we made a new key indicator,
"the right place at the right time" the requirements are you need to do
what you are supposed to do, and then you randomly meet awesome people.
we've been learning tons of patience, but we think that the ball will
start rolling quickly. missions are a super blessing because you get to
spend two years along side the Lord, all day, every day. i was reading
Moroni 7:45-48 and also 1 Corinthians 13, all it talks about is
charity, which is the greatest of all. it doesn't just mean giving to
the poor or caring for the needy, its a lot more than that. It says in
PMG that we follow the commandments because of charity. what? i started
thinking about it and charity has to do with everything, why do you
think it says charity is the pure love of Christ? because He gave up
everything that He had, for us. i still don't know a ton about charity
but that is something that is essential for the kingdom of heaven. I
hope all the missionaries that are in the field, leaving or are
preparing to leave are prepared for the greatest time of their lives!
shout out to my buddies who hit the year mark last week! love you all
Edward and Bella in Armenia... ha ha!

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